Rendezvous with Destiny

Publicado 9 Nov 2012, 2:20 pm

Rendezvous with Destiny ~ Veterans Day

“Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other died for your freedom.” ~Unknown

Now let’s set the record straight, there is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only one guaranteed way you can have peace, and you can have it in the next second. Surrender.

Admittedly there’s a risk at any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face. That their policy of accommodation, is appeasement. And it gives no choice between peace and war. Only between fight or surrender.

If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand, the ultimatum. And what then? When Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be, he has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary. Because by that time, we will have weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he’s heard voices pleading for “peace at any price” or “better red than dead,” or as one commentator put it, he would rather “live on his knees than die on his feet.” And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us. You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin? Just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard around the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn’t die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well, it’s a simple answer after all.

You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “there is a price we will not pay.” There is a point beyond which they must not advance. Winston Churchill said that “the destiny of man is not measured by material computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits not animals.” He said, “There is something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.”

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” ~Ronald Reagan

Rendezvous with Destiny ~ Veterans Day dog tags

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” ~General, George S. Patton

Veterans Day is on November 11th and is a day set aside to honor and thank all American veterans living and dead. It is the day designated to show appreciation for the sacrifices many have made to keep the people of the United States and other countries around the world free. There is an inborn characteristic of the U.S. serviceman and that quality is the selfless desire to serve his country, something that is not commonly found within the common man.

Rendezvous with Destiny ~ Veterans Day infantry Blue cord

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ~G.K. Chesterton

This is especially dedicated to the men of the infantry because it is the infantry that is the true force of the U.S. military. The infantry is the tip of the spear, the boots on the ground. It is a brotherhood of men that bleed and sweat together and do what very few are willing or capable of doing, but once on the ground they don’t do it because of hate of the enemy or the love of their country, they do it for the love of the men that is next to him.

Rendezvous with Destiny ~ Veterans Day paratroopers

“The soldier above all prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” ~General MacArthur

The infantry is the first into battle and the last to leave. They are the ones on the front lines of war, the ones who hold the ground, the ones who go through hell so you don’t have to. War is not a good thing but we don’t create wars. We allow them to happen by not actively creating peace in the world and within our consciousness. Many choose to be ignorant to this fact, but ignorance is not innocence, nor is it bliss. Our own ignorance is the cause of our own misery that the infantryman must endure. The American soldier wants peace but not at the price of freedom, justice or fairness. If we allow when we should act we become martyrs, if we act when we should allow we become tyrants, and it is the soldier that has to balance between the two. It is the true warrior that seeks peace, but is not afraid of a fight to stand for something beyond himself, which is called duty.

“To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one. It is rather an endless struggle that will go on to the very last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or the other.” ~Carlos Castaneda

Please watch the inspirational video below.

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” ~John 15:13


Publicado 2 Nov 2012, 11:25 am


“A neurosis is a secret you don’t know you’re keeping.” ~Kenneth Tynan

In today’s society people don’t want to see the the evil that is within each and one of us because that would imply that there is a dark side to our psyche. People do want to face the reality of our nature and due to this fact they have become disconnected from their true inner self and have confused the true inner self with the false self also known as the ego. People have become distracted so much by the physical material world that they have no time for the inner world. For that reason, they become lost and that results in a neurotic society. It is a society that is not even aware of its psychoanalytic condition. In other words, people are insane and don’t even know it. The world is a reflection of our inner world. So how can many say that they are not insane? It is only the truly insane who believe they are not crazy. Who are you? Do you know who you are?

“Every neurosis has the result, and therefore the purpose, of forcing out of real life, of alienating him from actuality.” ~Sigmund Freud

We are not meant to oppose or ignore the evil that is within us. Opposing and ignoring our inner self has resulted in the reality we experience today in the world. If you falsely believe that we must fight and rid ourselves of the shadow within us, we will have engaged in an interior conflict that will never be resolved. We are supposed to embrace and understand both the good and evil within us. Split positive thinking and believing only in the good will create an unbalanced psyche. We must find the power within us to keep these two opposite entities to live together in harmony within ourselves. If we don’t, then we must face our own inevitable destruction.

To be continued…

“Neurosis is the suffering of a soul which has not discovered its meaning.” ~Carl Gustav Jung

Who Are You?

Publicado 26 Oct 2012, 12:53 pm

who are you?

“Many people suffer from the fear of finding oneself alone, and so they don’t find themselves at all.” ~Rollo May

Who are you? What defines you? Is it your ideas? Your possessions? Your career? Are you defined by your surroundings or the people in your life? Are you your name or your ego? The fact is that none of these things would exist without the real you, the real you which is the being that is within you, that is aware of itself, but somehow many are not aware of it. Many have forgotten what the true self is and lost awareness of the true self through unconscious accepted influences from family and society. Are you the true self or the shadow self? The shadow self is also known as the ego. Would you recognize it if you see it within you? And if you did recognize the higher and lower self would you know what to do with it? If you only believe in the true self, this may also be a trick from the shadow that is within you. If you believe that the higher self must shine through and that the shadow does not exist, this within itself gives validity to the shadow within you. In short, when you believe that you are only good and positive, that does not mean that you’re good and positive. It only means that you haven’t identified the shadow within you and if you have, you haven’t had the courage to face the false you and much less the courage to understand it In this case, understand means love. This way of split positive thinking only provokes the problems we see on earth. Split positive thinking is the example of when the wrong man uses the right means in the wrong way. How can you ever do what is right, when you can’t even recognize what is wrong? Just like many can’t even face the darkness that is within themselves? As Meister Eckhart said,

“It is in the darkness that one finds the light.”

If you falsely believe that we must fight and rid ourselves of the shadow within us, we will have engaged in an interior conflict which will never be resolved. This is the example of neurosis. The true higher self is within you, you either know it or you don’t! If you knew how to choose, you wouldn’t have to. If you do happen to know your true inner you, the shadow will cease to be a problem, it will reveal itself for what it is, ‘a shadow’ and you don’t go around chasing your own shadow or try to hit it with a stick or control it with a leash. You simply walk through it or over it like a mirage but you understand that it will always be there with you. The path to enlightenment is a lonely one, you don’t do it in churches, in groups, religions or relationships, you only do it alone in relationship with yourself.

“In the end everyone stands alone, and the important thing is who it is that stands alone.” ~Arthur Schopenhauer

What is Truth?

Publicado 19 Oct 2012, 12:44 pm

What is Truth?

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” ~Buddha

The most controversial subject other than religion, politics, and money is ‘truth,’ and yet all are a creation from truth itself. The illusion of truth is the reason for all conflicts in the history of mankind. Truth is the reason for all duality, it is the cause of good versus evil, because if something must be right, then by default the other must be wrong. This also describes the conflict within truth and within your perception. It has been said that ‘truth’ will set you free. The irony about truth is that it does not set you free! It actually releases you from one belief and it enslaves you to another. It is like a circle within another circle, as illustrated in the image below. However, the evolved mind has a more advanced understanding of the truth (the outer circle). And the simplest way to understand truth is to understand that your perception is based on your beliefs and agreeable conditions, but does not necessarily constitute truth.
Your truth

“I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.” ~Bertrand Russell

Many will hate you, despise you and fear you for your version of the truth, perhaps because you disturb the illusion of their reality. They are comfortable within their circle of beliefs and many will fight and die to defend it. As Einstein said:

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

If you must defend your truth by coercion, you have to understand that it is actually not truth that you defend. It is a counterfeit version of the truth because truth does not need defense. I say in this infinite universe of infinite possibilities to accept everything as the truth, it exists already even if it exists as a thought. Allow everything to be your teacher and be attached to nothing because truth is relative to your enlightenment.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” ~Socrates

Revolution II

Publicado 11 Oct 2012, 6:18 pm

Revolution II

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ~Jimi Hendrix

Racism, sexism, slavery and speciesism, only describe the level of human ignorance. Unscrupulous treatment happens when a person acts on the illusion of a powerful relationship and treats the less powerful as if they are mere objects. Those who think they have power, exploit those who lack it, and only govern by fear. Fear is not power. It is actually just an illusion. It is just like a shadow because a shadow has no substance. A shadow is just the absence of light.

“An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizen.” ~Thomas Jefferson

Peace on earth will not come, until humanity makes the internal decision to change. This change can be a peaceful shift in consciousness but it may also be a violent revolution unveiling our level of ignorance. You have to ask yourself internally, what do you want? What kind of world do you want for your children? Perhaps we might need a shift in consciousness like the 100th monkey effect phenomenon, in which a certain percentage of our species will awaken to a new reality that will cause a shockwave of unconditional love and understanding. It will be an understanding that is only recognized by those who have already evolved. The next phase of human evolution is the linking of mind to mind. The shift in consciousness of the 100th monkey effect is seen in a subtle form throughout societies, which is known as a meme. A meme is a cultural behavior that is transmitted by non-biological means. It is transmitted in the form of repetition and is very similar to the transmission of genes. It then becomes an innate ability of new offspring, hence describing our evolution of consciousness through the revolution of love. Imagine when humanity understands that love is understanding and understanding is love.

“Everyone knows that peace has to begin with oneself, but not many people know how to do it. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

To continue this idea, listen to the lyrics of “Where is the Love?” by the Black Eyed Peas. Enjoy!

The Age of Darkness

Publicado 4 Oct 2012, 4:35 pm

The Age of Darkness

“The divine light is always in man, but man rejects it.” ~Giordano Bruno

The age of darkness is the age of ignorance. It is as if the world is living in a reality in which we have blindfolds over our eyes. Can you not see that everything we need is already here? Maybe a lot of people cannot see or will never see. It’s like a human being that was born in darkness and lives in darkness eventually loses the ability to see and becomes blind for the rest of his or her life. That is the example of Neural Darwinism, which is briefly described in the video below.

However, this is not about the ability to see with the eyes, but the ability to see with the mind and to understand with the heart. The lack of this ability is the reason that man has become empty like a black hole devouring everything in its path. Man has become addicted to artificial wealth known as money. Many are addicted to profit to the extent of being in denial, and denial is common for addicts. The paradox of our age is that lawyers destroy justice, schools destroy knowledge, doctors destroy health, governments destroy freedom, major media outlets destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.


Publicado 27 Sep 2012, 4:11 pm


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” ~John F. Kennedy

Throughout the existence of civilization oppression has been a shadow that follows man. That shadow of oppression has also created those who will oppose it. Metaphorically speaking, the only two ways to remove a shadow is by the increase of light or the increase of darkness. And currently we live in a reality of predominant darkness. Throughout the ages revolution has existed for the purpose of our evolution as a society, but it has also existed as a way to exchange one form of darkness for another.

“I’m not interested in preserving the status quo, I want to overthrow it.” ~Machiavelli

The excessive greed of shadow societies is what is ignorantly leading them to their own extinction through the pain and suffering of innocent people. Ironically, it is through loss that a man truly becomes free. A man who has nothing left to loose becomes empowered. It is through the present state of affairs of greed, corruption, coercion, manipulation, enslavement, hate and intolerance and fear of evolution, that is pushing humanity to our awakening. As said before, whether this awakening is through peaceful means or violent revolution, it does not matter. However, fear being the opposite of love is also inherently attached to those who find the need to oppose as well as those who lack courage and choose sit back and do nothing.


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” ~Ambrose Redmoon

A revolution of sheeple must be a balance between fear and love.

“An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep.” ~Alexander the Great



The Paradox of Our Age

Publicado 14 Sep 2012, 10:43 am

The Paradox of Our Age
“We have bigger houses, but smaller families.

More conveniences, but less time.

We have more degrees, but less common sense.

More knowledge, but less judgement.

More experts, but more problems.

More medicines, but less healthiness.

We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.

We built more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication.

We have become long on quantity, but short on quality.

These are times of fast foods but slow digestion.

Tall man but short character.

Steep profits but shallow relationships.

It’s a time when there is much in the window, but nothing in the room.” ~Dalai Lama

We live in an age of a paradoxical reality, in which we believe that slavery is freedom. We want freedom and no responsibilities, you cannot have one without the other. We live in a reality in which we wage war for peace. We live in a society that believes that punishment is justice, when punishment is justice for the unjust. We confuse fear for love, and we confuse love with emotional attachments. However, love is distinct from these. When love is present, our first instinct is to give back, to help those who truly want to be free, those who desire to give back, who desire to know love. This is explained in the blog post ‘The Story of Our Enslavement II.’ We also believe that we posses things, but don’t realize that those things posses us. We create our own beliefs, then blame others for our own creation. People hate lies, but they love the ego. And as Oscar Wilde once said,

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

The words in the video below by Charlie Chaplin were beyond the cognition of his time and ours, but describe a reality in which we are headed. Wake up.


Publicado 30 Aug 2012, 4:49 pm


“The Free thinking of one age is the common sense of the next.” ~Matthew Arnold

The day will come when humanity will wake up from the limits we have imposed on ourselves, and whether this awakening is through peaceful means or violent revolution, it does not matter. We are living in a structured society that served its purpose but we are beginning to outgrow it. Simply put, this is evolution, and it is happening right before our eyes. The structure we currently live in is merely a game that is controlled by government institutions and this game can only continue to exist if we continue to participate within it. This is no different than the institutions of religion or money. The reason people seek religion is for spiritual guidance, but it has resulted in the manipulation of the human consciousness. As Joseph Campbell once said.

“Religion is a defense against a religious experience.”

Likewise, the freedom that a government grants you is merely a defense against true sovereign and unlimited freedom. People seek government institutions for guidance and protection, like a child seeks guidance and protection from his or her own parents. If we proceed to do this, we will continue to be a society of perpetual children stunting our own growth and evolution. Your government cannot protect your life, your children, your money or your property. Whether it is by stealing half your wealth, creating money out of thin air, threatening your life and freedom with man made laws, which are based on deception for the purpose of our own enslavement, you will not be protected. Likewise, your government cannot protect our children by regimenting beliefs in mental prisons also known as schools, while selling their futures off to the highest bidder. How can children learn anything new when the teachers don’t know any better? People falsely believe that these institutions have power, but they merely have the power that is given to them, and nothing more. No different than praying to a crucifix hanging on the wall of a church. It is not the crucifix or Jesus or any other deity that has the power, it is your own internal beliefs that shape our reality, and it is no different with government. Consequently, the word ‘ment’ means ‘mind’ in Latin, so the word govern-ment means to govern the mind. It is these institutions of government, money and religion with their own corruption and greed that are leading to their own demise. It is a law of nature that everything comes to an end, and something greater begins. So don’t be upset when corruption is discovered but understand that it is necessary for our own growth and evolution from being dependent children to sovereign adults. Change comes when you get so fed up with the way things are that you’ll transform and true change begins in the imagination.

“We cannot change anything until we accept it.” ~Carl G. Jung

The Story of Our Enslavement II

Publicado 23 Aug 2012, 4:24 pm

The Story of Our Enslavement II

“Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.” ~Karl Marx

(Continued from… The Story of Our Enslavement ~ Interlude)

There are many people who do not have the need for true freedom. They are so accustomed to a false sense of freedom, which is actually slavery. It is bondage that we are born into and a cage that is not possible to perceive with the limit of our five senses. It is only possible to perceive it with the sense of our mind. We are not aware of true freedom until we become aware of its necessity or until we experience it. However, the knowledge of freedom does not necessarily depend on the physical experience of freedom. As Antoine de Saint-Exupury once said.

“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.”

The manipulation of fear, money, religion and language has resulted in the manipulation of our consciousness and beliefs through deception. This has created a meme within the psyche of our species.

The excerpt from the documentary ‘Ungrip‘explains the situations well:

We have become use to thinking that we have a right to all that we have, no matter what damage we do to the Earth or to other people. We have become detached and disconnected from reality, the Earth, and the feelings and lives of people elsewhere because it interferes with our right to maintain our lifestyle and standard of living. I would submit to you that we’re on a course, leading to inevitable annihilation. Martin Luther King said, ‘The issue is not between violence and non-violence it’s between violence and non-existence.’

The course we’re on in the first world is a course of ultimate destruction. Do we want to be part of this course of ultimate destruction? Or do we want to be part of hope and affirmation and justice for all people of the earth, and for the earth itself, without which we cannot live? Yes I’m talking about a non-violent revolution in consciousness.

Everyone comes to a point in life in which we reflect upon those things that matter. There are some who choose to ignore the depth of this question, and there are others who follow this question into oblivion. Is it possible to walk the middle path? To ask these questions yet embrace the possibility of never arriving at an answer? Is it possible to live our lives not in the absence of a corrupt world, but despite of it?

If you were asked to ponder what matters most in your life, what would it be? Security? Money? Success? Sex? Power? Have you ever considered why? Why we crave? Do we not have enough? What happens when we have all the money, all the security, all the success, sex and power, yet haven’t found peace? What happens if we gain the world without an ounce of love and appreciation? We end up only wanting more!

The world can’t give enough of itself. It’s as if humanity is becoming a black hole, devouring everything in its path. When we receive the things that we desire, our first instinct is to protect them from others. We distrust our neighbors because of them. We wage war to gain more of them. However, love is distinct from these. When love is present, our first instinct is to give back, to help those who truly want to be free, those who desire to give back, who desire to know love. But what happens if no one truly wants love anymore? What if no one desired freedom? What if the greatest epidemic known to man has already infected the entire species? The race of humanity conned into believing that slavery is freedom, that fear is love, that suffering is happiness, would you be able to recognize it if it were happening right now? Ask yourself, is it? Is this the world we live in?

There are billions of people wandering around on this globe with perspective, scope, belief, dogma, morals, fears, desires, and hidden agendas. It’s difficult to comprehend exactly what drives each of them. When looking at the surface of this unique condition, the planet is in due to only one species. It may seem as if we are not truly interested in freedom anymore. Maybe we are not truly working toward growth, prosperity and peace. Again it’s difficult to pinpoint why we are a species of perpetual war and perpetual deceit mashed by perpetual heroism and perpetual compassion. There is no one answer to explain it all, and yet even if there were, it wouldn’t be the intellectual answer we desperately want it to be. The most we can do as individuals is to begin acting like individuals instead of acting like machines on auto pilot from some primal program set in motion millions of years ago. What would this planet look like if we took back the one power we consistently give away, which is choice? There is always a choice, good, bad, indifferent, there is always a choice, love, fear, growth, decay, life and death, there is always a choice, and the picture perfect ending or eternal struggle is but a consequence of the direction we choose to travel from here.

“Your freedom begins when you realize it’s a choice.” ~Pepe Aguilar

Yes, I’m talking about a non-violent revolution of consciousness. A consciousness that is able to understand how we’re are all inextricably connected to each other, and to the Earth itself, and if we violate these fundamental principles we do so at our own peril. Yes, we can continue to live in this delusion and the denials of reality because it’s painful, it’s frightening, sometimes it’s terrifying. It’s terrifying to face the truth, so I ask each of you to search your hearts for your truth. To become a citizen of the Earth promoting justice as a foundation for peace, is not going to happen magically, and I think it’s not going to happen by relying on current political structures and institutions. I think we’re going to have to wage peace in the most extraordinary ways, whether our government wants it or not. You will know in your heart what to do, but I know that without a non-violent revolution of consciousness we will not survive as a civilization or as a planet. We can choose to have peace if we want to pay the price, and what more, glorious goal and value do want than peace for all people. So I look forward to working together with you all, with the people, to build a new society, a society that understands that we are not worth more, and they are not worth less and that we will be willing to pay the price and take the risks to wage peace with all fellow and sister human beings.

“Regard heaven as your father, Earth as your mother, and all that lives as your brother and sister.” ~Native Wisdom